Compensation, or the process of fitting partial stitches into edges and corners of your needlepoint, … [Read more...]
Herringbone Stitch and Compensation
Do you ever avoid using a stitch because you hate to compensate it? I do and Herringbone Stitch … [Read more...]
The End Is Near (& I Don’t Mean the Recent Storm)
The incomparable Joni Stevenson had a marvelous post earlier this week that shows you how not to end … [Read more...]
Pardon Me, but your Stitching Looks a Little Worn
If you've been needlepointing a long time, as I have, you probably often think thread can be … [Read more...]
Perfecting Eyelets
In Joni Stevenson's wonderful blog, she recently had a post about eyelets. They are one of my … [Read more...]