By using just one stitch you can make this Scotch Stitch Needlepoint Christmas Tree Free Pattern using threads from your stash. It’s so flexible you can use any combination of red, cream and green.
The design is based on a Christmas quilt and converted to needlepoint. The design is made up of squares except for the points of the tree, which are triangles.

The stitch is a Scotch Stitch variation I found in a project designed by Genny Morrow. It covers a 6-thread square. I call it Genny’s Scotch in her honor. It’s diagrammed above.
The design is 10 squares across and 13 squares high. Follow the picture of the completed ornament for placement of colors. Where there are triangles, stitch up to the middle stitch with green, stitch the remainder in cream or red.
You cannot be consistent in stitch direction and make the points come out correctly. Therefore you will need to reverse the slant of the stitches in some squares, making some of them in Reversed Genny’s Scotch, below.

So the necessary reversed squares wouldn’t stand out, I varied the slant of the squares randomly.
To stitch this you will need:
- 6×8 piece 18-mesh mono canvas
- red thread for border
- cream thread for background
- assorted green threads for tree
I picked wool threads for the border and background, using four different green wools. Watercolours in Linen was used for the background.
The designs this week are my Christmas gift to you.
Merry Christmas!
About Janet M Perry
Janet Perry is the Internet's leading authority on needlepoint. She designs, teaches and writes, getting raves from her fans for her innovative techniques, extensive knowledge and generous teaching style. A leading writer of stitch guides, she blogs here and lives on an island in the northeast corner of the SF Bay with her family
how do I get a copy of the free pattern of the scotch stitch christmas, or it is no longer free if so please let me know the cost of the pattern plus s/h charges. pat vera
The instructions are right there in the article.
Keep stitching,