My friend Jocelyn Goodger is a phenomenal stitcher from New Zealand. She’s creative and inventive and always inspiring. I met her originally because I was so in love with her stitching and her blog, Pins & Needles.

Jocelyn has been a member of CyberPointers since the beginning (I think she was our first international member. Before we were even a chapter she took part in our test meeting and program, and this is her version of this project from Classic Stitches.

Jocelyn has stitched several of the projects I want to do sometime in my life, including Twister and Jean Hilton’s puzzle purse. Above you see the stitched but unassembled purse.

I’m crazy about the way Joce combines stitches in such a spontaneous way (I can never do that). The book cover pictured above is a sample of that. The colors are simple and pretty, the stitching is marvelous and I just love the way the texture varies in the stitches and comes together so well.

Joce does more than just needlepoint, she’s a talented embroiderer in all kinds of media. One of my favorites (probably because I do it so badly) is crazy quilting. This picture is of a box she covered making something as mundane as a place to hold your papers on your desk into something simply lovely.
C heck out her Flickr album, I had a hard time choosing what to feature!
Do you have a blog, site, or on-line gallery of your needlepoint? On Mondays throughout March in honor of National Crafts Month, I’m featuring galleries of inspiring needlepoint. If you are interested in having your work featured, email me (napaneedlepoint [at] gmail [dot] com).
About Janet M Perry
Janet Perry is the Internet's leading authority on needlepoint. She designs, teaches and writes, getting raves from her fans for her innovative techniques, extensive knowledge and generous teaching style. A leading writer of stitch guides, she blogs here and lives on an island in the northeast corner of the SF Bay with her family
I lurk around your blog all the time but I don’t think I’ve commented before. I just can’t help myself today. You picked some very fine pieces to showcase Ms. Goodger’s work. I love the checkbook cover and who wouldn’t die for the gorgeous stitches in that house in the country piece! I am particularly pleased that you’re showing the Puzzle Purse. I was fortunate enough to have Jean Hilton as an instructor for the Puzzle Purse class a few years ago. Since I wanted to make a wall hanging rather than a purse Jean gave me some excellent ideas for dressing up the band that separates the flap from the body of the purse. I chose a similar color tone for my piece as Ms. Goodger but I got stuck at one point when one of my color choices seemed to ruin the entire piece for me and laid the project aside. Seeing this completed piece has revitalized the design in my mind and I may just pull it out again soon. Thanks so much for all the interesting posts, instructions and stitcher showcase spots. Love your blog!
Very interesting projects.
That Hilton puzzle purse is also on my agenda. Not sure when I will get to it though as there are so many wonderful projects out there.
Love reading about what other stitchers have done
Have put a link on my computer desktop so I can look at Jocelyn flicker photo album at leisure a bit later.
Pierrette =^..^=