Pepperberry has created two new flag hearts for Ukraine. One is the flag with a sunflower in the center. The other is the flag alone. Fire and Ice has created smaller versions of her Adventure boots. They are the perfect size for ornaments and come in two versions. The company also has a new saying, “Not a Cairn (care-in) the World,” with a diagonal plaid border. Ruth Schmuff’s Backgrounds book has long been unavailable, but it’s now available for digital download on your phone or computer.
New canvases from Stitch Style include a golf hole for the Best Dad (self-finish it for Father’s Day), a charming convertible carrying a Christmas tree, and a new married ornament round. The company also has a lovely nativity as well as a new floral arrangement. Jinny has expanded her fairy tale series to include Alice in Wonderland and Nutcracker stitch guides. Did you know that Stitch Style has several designs that can be personalized? These include mailboxes, a #2 pencil, and their most popular canvas, a yellow school bus.
New canvases from Colors of Praise include a deer and a reclining white tiger, both on backgrounds that look like printed fabric. Kirk & Bradley has two new travel rounds for Key West and Costa Rica. Danji has new canvases for birthdays, both ones for specific milestone birthdays (I like the over-the-hill one) and others for general birthday celebrations. There are also two canvases celebrating a Happy Retirement. Danji’s two-sided bears come with stitch guides and are available in five colors (pink, light blue, red, green, and yellow).
KCN Designs has a lovely new menorah that has the candles on a separate canvas. Finish the candles individually and add one to the menorah for each night in Hanukah. A great series from KCN are sports crests. These look like state or school crests but with items symbolizing the sport on either side. The center is left empty for adding a monogram. There are also new coasters with simple pictures and fun sayings. Another series is small snowmen, some for holidays, others for months, and some just for un. They would make fantastic ornaments!
KCN is, as always, bursting with great canvases. There are plenty of new sayings, new stockings, and new small angels. I particularly like the piggy bank covered in dollar signs. They have new shirts and sweater canvases including a Girl Scout uniform with sash and a Star Wars stormtrooper shirt.
Love You More has a darling Halloween canvas. It has costumed folks seen from the feet up the legs and the words “Tricker Feet” under them in a gothic font. They also have a wonderful prehistoric scene from the Age of the Dinosaurs packed full of animals in a muted pastel color scheme. it’s both unusual and lovely. The company also has new designs, including some for kids’ rooms that are printed instead of painted. Tina Griffin has added three new designs to her punny drink coasters. My favorite is Last Call with three birds sitting on a tree branch.
A Stitch in Time has a wonderful large Christmas tree canvas bursting with stars, toys, elves, stockings, and more. It would be a fantastic stash buster! They also have a big new Halloween collage with ghosts, witches, a graveyard, and three haunted houses. They also have a new series of six Love canvases where the O is replaced with something for a holiday. It’s a fun set of designs. They also have eight 3-D can canvases that have the walls of the can on one canvas and the top and bottom on a separate canvas.
The Meredith Collection has a new Noah’s Ark canvas in desert colors after the rain has stopped. It’s in a great primitive folk-art style bursting with branched cacti, fish in the water, birds in the air, and plenty of animals riding in the ark. Purple Palm has a new octopus canvas whose writhing tentacles look kind of scary. Another canvas from the company features lush tropical foliage in several colors. They also have plenty of beach and ocean landscapes from several of their licensed artists.
Mimi in Stitches is a new designer of printed canvases of sayings as well as several geometric designs. Maggie Co has an unusual canvas of a menorah that has cats as the candleholders (you read that right — cats!). She also has great new landscapes in a quirky patchy style. Another new canvas is a German feather tree with lots of animals on a lovely salmon background. The Cheryl Schaffer cookie-cutter designs are so colorful and fun. I’ve mostly seen them finished as ornaments, but a new one is an M&M that’s finished with big feet, just like in the commercials. She also has a new series of monthly gnomes, with hats referring to each month.
New shifts from Two Sisters include new holiday shifts, for Easter, Halloween, Patriotic, Valentine’s, and St. Patrick’s Day. Some of these take other designs and have them in new colors. Canvasworks has a new floral ottoman with lots of different flowers including Black-eyed Susans, Forget-me-nots, and coneflowers. Kristine Kingston has a new collegiate series that has geometric patterns in the school’s colors. JP Needlepoint has a lovely canvas of colorful patterned eggs.
Read the other posts covering new products here:
Come back Monday for more coverage of new products. Thursday’s column will be on a different subject.
About Janet M Perry
Janet Perry is the Internet's leading authority on needlepoint. She designs, teaches and writes, getting raves from her fans for her innovative techniques, extensive knowledge and generous teaching style. A leading writer of stitch guides, she blogs here and lives on an island in the northeast corner of the SF Bay with her family
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