Long before folks had the Internet, when magazines were the only place to get current information, I dreamed of the perfect needlepoint publication. It would have tons of information. It would have projects. It would keep you up to date with what was new, testing and reviewing it, so you could use it well immediately. And that wasn’t all, it would have tons of educational information and it would teach you how to stitch easily, even when the technique seemed difficult.
It would have all the things in it I longed for as a stitcher and, too often, found the hard way. Being a geek by nature and a database person by training, it would have ways to search and classify so stuff could be found.
And it would be free.
The need has seemed so obvious to me that I continue to be surprised that there aren’t lots more sites like this. I know that if I have a question or a problem or find something cool, lots of you are experiencing the same thing. So it becomes a part of the blog. If it doesn’t fit your needs today, perhaps it might tomorrow.
This blog, around since the early 2000’s, is that magazine. I’ve designed and written it to provide information on what’s new (I test or read every product I review), techniques, Internet resources, and projects. You will find dozens of projects here, for stitchers at every level. Some of them might take an evening or two. Others might take you weeks or months, but they are all completely free on this blog.
I’m committed to giving you more than just links, so even when I’m sending you to another site, I’ll tell you what you’ll find, why it’s great, or how you can use the information for needlepoint.
Grab a glass of tea or coffee (mine is Earl Grey iced), settle down and explore. If there’s something you want that you don’t find, just drop me a line using the contact page, I always answer in a day or two.
About Janet M Perry
If you know me, you know I’m passionate about needlepoint. In Nuts about Needlepoint, which grew out of this passion, you’ll learn about my current projects, and get great new ideas about needlepoint. It’s also a source for the information and products I discover.
I began stitching in 1970, just before I turned 14. It was as if needlepoint found me. I loved it immediately and have done so ever since. I was an adventurous needlepointer from the beginning, trying new stitches, designing my own patterns, adapting pictures to needlepoint, and stitching with any thread I could get my hands on.
From 1997-2001 I was the Needlepoint Guide for About.com, building it up into a comprehensive and current site for needlepoint knowledge. This site is based on much of that work. Since 2001 I have worked as an independent designer, creating projects, stitch guides, and books. They’re always designed to give your more than what you need to stitch that canvas. They’ll give you ideas, knowledge, and stitches you can take to other projects. Click on the Napa Needlepoint Shop tab at the top of any page to find these items.
My basic needlepoint philosophy is that needlepoint should be fun and easy. I also believe that needlepoint stitchers have been kept in the dark by snobbish stitchers, expensive classes, and a feeling that there is a “special club” you aren’t a part of. I have developed many techniques which allow even beginning stitches to do ‘difficult’ techniques, and my knowledge of needlepoint allows me to draw on so many different ideas.
There isn’t a needlepoint technique I haven’t tried at least twice and I’ve stitched with almost everything that can be threaded on a needle. I welcome designers, shops, and individuals as clients.
In addition to this blog and my design work, I also teach and write. I have written articles and columns for many popular needlepoint and needlework magazines. I am also a Life Patron of the American Needlepoint Guild.
I am well-known as an expert on needlepoint. I currently have 13 books in print, including the popular Needlepoint Trade Secrets and Bargello Revisited. I’m also one of the leading providers of stitch guides for hand-painted canvases. My guides are available from such popular designers as Melissa Shirley, Raymond Crawford, Needledeeva, Kelly Clark, and many others. I also write custom stitch guides and have a needlepoint information site, All about Needlepoint, plus sites on plaids and stitch guides. Coming in 2018 will be a Stitch of the Month site.
My commitment to innovative techniques, clear explanations, and unfussy needlepoint have gotten me legions of students and fans throughout the world. I’ve created a free beginners needlepoint course that has been taken by over 2500 students. My annual DIY Stitch Guide class has taught hundreds of stitchers how to create their own guides.
Most recently I have added the only site completely dedicated to needlepoint news with updates on classes, trunk shows, events, new products, sales, and more. It’s updated four times daily.
I live on Mare Island in California with my husband, cats, and kids. When not stitching I’m an avid foodie (email me for recommendations if you’re coming to Napa Valley) and I enjoy reading and decorating. From time to time I manage to step away from my needlepoint and my computer to read, shop and have lunch with friends.
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I value your privacy and do not sell my mailing list. I will send you email with relevant content. Subscribers to this blog and people in my Nuts about Needlepoint group will get regular email about articles here. I do not have access to this site’s subscriber list.
I also welcome comments on the articles here. Because spamming is so widespread all comments are held for moderation, so your comment will not be seen immediately. I will approve all comments, even critical ones. However I do request that you be polite and refrain from swearing or personal attacks. Comments like this will be edited. Habitual offenders (I have had none of these in 10+ years) may find their comments discarded. If you comment on a post your email is recorded if you provide it, but it is not displayed or used further.
If you use the contact form, email Napa Needlepoint, or purchase product, you will be added to the company’s mailing list unless you specifically request that you not be added. On these lists only email addresses and sometimes country or state are recorded. The list is only used by Napa Needlepoint for email and is never sold or exchanged. Your data privacy is important to us.
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About Janet M Perry
Janet Perry is the Internet's leading authority on needlepoint. She designs, teaches and writes, getting raves from her fans for her innovative techniques, extensive knowledge and generous teaching style. A leading writer of stitch guides, she blogs here and lives on an island in the northeast corner of the SF Bay with her family