Categories for Needlepoint Stitches, second edition, Julia Key H. Snyder, self-published, 2008

Updated April 2, 2019
When it comes to stitch dictionaries, there are two schools of thought. One group organizes the dictionary by the structure of the stitch. The Needlepoint Book is probably the best known of these. The other group organizes the dictionary by the area to be stitched. Categories for Needlepoint Stitches is an excellent addition to this type of stitch dictionary.
The great strength of this type of book is that when you are searching for a stitch most of the time you want a stitch for something specific. For example on my current project, I need a stitch for some clothing. In the chapter on fabrics, I find more than 20 pages of stitches, covering many techniques including laidwork, pattern darning and basketweave patterns for needlepoint damask. Other stitches are meant to leave areas of the canvas showing through.
Each section of the book has stitches and, sometimes, tips for the different areas commonly seen in needlepoint. My two favorites are in the section on Faces & Skin, with great tips for two perplexing areas, eyebrows and moths. Clearly Snyder has brought her long experience as a designer and teacher helping students and customers stitch canvases to this book.
There is only one small issue with the book and it is true of all stitch dictionaries organized by canvas areas. Some stitches appear more than once. This is only a small problem and then only if you are reading it from cover to cover. If you are using the book as intended to find a specific stitch for an area, this is no problem at all.
I highly recommend this book as a great little stitch dictionary for your workbasket or project bag.
About Janet M Perry
Janet Perry is the Internet's leading authority on needlepoint. She designs, teaches and writes, getting raves from her fans for her innovative techniques, extensive knowledge and generous teaching style. A leading writer of stitch guides, she blogs here and lives on an island in the northeast corner of the SF Bay with her family
Do you know where or how I could order this book? Amazon does not have it listed.
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Betty Dunn
Where can you purchase this book?
You won’t find Julia’s books on Amazon. The best place to find them is at needlepoint stores.
Keep stitching,