Updated July 26, 2019.
This free Bargello Needlepoint pattern uses rectangles as its basis. Squares are far more usual in Bargello, but I love the odd shape of these rectangles, which are crazily turned on their sides. When you do this you get “not-quite diamonds.”
The pattern is made even more nutty these shapes don’t meet evenly. The rectangles in one row slightly overlap the rectangles in the rows around them.
You will need to count carefully when you stitch the outlines; there are 14 steps on the long sides and 12 steps on the short sides. Pay attention where rectangles meet, count carefully and you will be fine.

Stitch the outline first following the chart above (click to make it bigger). Once the outline is complete, fill in the rectangles as charted. For clarity only one of the rectangles on the chart is filled.
I used an unidentified hand-dyed pearl cotton for the outlines and center of the rectangle. My other colors, all High Cotton, were taken from it. I used Primrose (924) as the light pink, Status (923) as the dark pink, and Lavender (311) as the violet. Using another stranded thread, such as silk floss would also work.
Begin by tracing a 5.25 x 3.25 inch rectangle on your canvas (I used Kreinik silk gauze in 18-count for mine). Let dry overnight. Beginning someplace in the middle of the area start to stitch your outlines. Because the rectangles are tilted and overlap, they will not fit evenly in the space.
When finished, follow the instructions to insert this in the ebook cover.
About Janet M Perry
Janet Perry is the Internet's leading authority on needlepoint. She designs, teaches and writes, getting raves from her fans for her innovative techniques, extensive knowledge and generous teaching style. A leading writer of stitch guides, she blogs here and lives on an island in the northeast corner of the SF Bay with her family
My grandma lived right down the setert from us. I used to ride my bike to her house every day after school. If my mom couldn’t find me, she knew where to look.I remember, when my grandma was getting older and her eyesight was going, that she liked to do handsewing. I don’t remember what she was sewing, but every afternoon I would go to her house and thread about 50 or more needles for her, and line them up for her to use. The next day she would sew, and that evening, I would go and thread them all again. Ohhh. Now I really wish I knew what she was working on every day. I was only about 10, and for some reason, that wasn’t important to me. I just loved knowing I was helping her. She died when I was 18, and I missed her so bad for the longest time.
What is High Cotton? Google did not return a brand with such a name.
High Cotton was a five-strand matte cotton thread, full name Hyla’s High Cotton. It is no longer made. The closest similar thread is DMC’s Matte Cotton, which is softer. But you will need to remove about half the strands. If you can’t find this, try cotton floss, crewel wool, or Vineyard Merino.
Keep stitching,
I have this 12 x 14 flamingo needlepoint that has a lot of blank background. Suggestions on which stitch to use besides the continental to make the picture pop.
There are tons of great background stitches. I have four 25 stitches classes that cover backgrounds, find three of them here in my Etsy shop. The fourth will be up by August 1. There are also some great background suggestions in this blog. My favorite background stitches are covered in this article.
I also offer specific suggestions for backgrounds for a specific canvas, the cost is $5 per canvas.
Keep stitching,