Recently I bought this vintage needlepoint on a simple canvas tote bag. Looking at it, I realized this is one of a number of easy ways to add needlepoint to totes and straw bags yourself. Most self-finishing items use double-sided adhesive to attach the needlepoint. Others, such as the Turtle bags, allow you to slip the needlepoint into a pocket. This method sews the needlepoint onto the front of the bag.
You can use inexpensive undyed canvas bags, such as these ones from Dharma Trading Company. Dharma has tons of different undyed items that would be great ways to show off your needlepoint. If you don’t want an undyed bag, you could dye or color it first before you add your needlepoint.
I often find lovely bug straw bags in bright colors at my local thrift shop. If this is what you want, stop by often in order to find bags that will work. Look for totes on good condition. Once you find a bag, look for needlepoint in your stitched projects to add to your bag.
The first step in doing this is to cut the needlepoint out with a margin of 5-7 threads all around. Turn the unstitched margin to the back and put it under a weight to flatten. I like to stock it between the mattress and box spring overnight. Once flattened you are ready to attach it to your bag.
If you have a sewing machine, you can sew it along the edges using a zigzag stitch. If you want the stitching not to show, find some grosgrain ribbon and sew it using matching thread. Cover all edges with the ribbon. If you don’t want to sew, sew the needlepoint along the edges using hemstitch to make the stitching invisible.
You can also use hemstitch to sew needlepoint onto the front of a basket purse or even a pillow.
About Janet M Perry
Janet Perry is the Internet's leading authority on needlepoint. She designs, teaches and writes, getting raves from her fans for her innovative techniques, extensive knowledge and generous teaching style. A leading writer of stitch guides, she blogs here and lives on an island in the northeast corner of the SF Bay with her family
Amy Newkirk says
Hi, I want to make sure I understand the instructions for how to attach the canvas to a bag if you don’t have a sewing machine. Can you sew it by hand? Do you use the hemstitch to attach it to the bag or zig zag stitch? I’m not as familiar with sewing techniques as I with needlepoint. Thank you!
Janet M Perry says
Good question. Yes, you can attach it using hand-sewing techniques. I’d use hemstitch or slip stitch after turning under the edges so the stitches would be invisible.
As an alternative you could keep the needlepoint flat instead of turning under the edges and use a running stitch to attach the needlepoint. Then use iron-on sewing tape to put ribbon along the edges, covering the raw canvas & then slip stitch the edges of the ribbon. This isn’t quite as sturdy, but it i pretty.
Keep stitching,