I love plastic reinforced mesh bags to store my needlepoint projects in process. Ever since I found them, I buy them whenever and wherever I find them: Needlepoint shops, The Container Store, Japanese Dollar Stores, and Cabella’s.
Coming in different sizes, it’s so easy to match the bag size to your project size.
But all too often I can get the project in but I struggle to get it out. That’s usually because the zipper doesn’t go all the way across. You may only lose a bit of space but I have some bags where you lose almost an inch.
That’s why I’m crazy about the extended zipper bags made by Alvin. In these bags the zipper turns the corner and goes about halfway down one side. You have access to the entire top and can even open it enough to turn down one corner.
I can’t believe how easy these are to use!
The plastic mesh makes great storage. It’s translucent so you can see your project. It’s solid so needles and scissors tips don’t poke through. The embedded mesh makes the bags really strong.
Yes you can buy more colorful bags, that are prettier and more expensive. But for cost effectiveness and great utility — these Alvin bags can’t be beat.
I buy mine from Bloomin’ Stitches on eBay, but encourage your LNS to carry them.
About Janet M Perry
Janet Perry is the Internet's leading authority on needlepoint. She designs, teaches and writes, getting raves from her fans for her innovative techniques, extensive knowledge and generous teaching style. A leading writer of stitch guides, she blogs here and lives on an island in the northeast corner of the SF Bay with her family
Lynda Leitner says
I want to do a needlepoint canvas (perhaps a pillow) in an Asian design. The only ones I find are Japanese kimonos. I’d prefer cranes or temples, China or Korea. I would even settle for Cherry Blossoms. But in months of looking, it appears that patterns or kits of Asian designs or scenes are not available. Can you direct me to a place or website where I might find some needlepoint projects of that kind?
Thank you.
Janet M Perry says
By far, as you’ve found, Japanese-influenced designs are most common. I have, however seen Chinese designs as well. Korean is less common. Art Needlepoint probably has the best selection of traditional Chinese designs. I would also look at Sophia Designs. Lee Needle Arts used to have a pair of magnificent canvases of a Chinese emperor and empress. They also has some other Chinese pieces though the kimonos far outnumber them. Melissa Shirley has some canvases of children in Chinese dress and some foo dogs. But the colors aren’t very Chinese.
I’m pretty sure there are canvases of Chinese dragons, I just can’t bring any to mind right now.
Keep Stitching,
Renee says
In terms of storage for ongoing or new projects bags like these are definitely great especially since I often will spec wool for a project at my LNS or special order, then not get started for a while. Additionally, at Ikea, I found these big “flat file” style cabinets on casters with both thin and thicker drawers that are perfect for needlepoint storage. I have two in my storage space and they’re perfect for flat canvas, rolled projects, extra fabric and trim, large printed charts, etc as well as the bags you mention above with projects, etc. They’re also big enough to store extra frames and dowel rods.
J. Burton says
Since I rarely travel with my needlepoint in tow, I found that using one of those cloth zippered pillow cases (a “pillow protector”) holds my framed canvas and a plastic shoebox holds all my threads and tools. I guess everyone finds what works for them! I enjoy your reviews – just purchased a cord maker!
Ann R Blouse says
the link to Blooming Stitches on Ebay didn’t work for me. Amazon carries a line “gotobag” that has extended zippers, couple of different sets/sizes, just search gotobag.