There is a big problem with using Box Stitches for backgrounds. If you line them up you get a vey strong grid pattern. For some designs this will work. For most it does not.
The way to solve this problem and create great backgrounds us easy – offset the boxes. Today you see how this looks using two of the elements in the Baby Things on a String from the Princess & Me. Although the example does not show them in backgrounds, I have used both often.
Offset Mosaic
This stitch is great for small spaces because it has blocks covering a two-thread square. It alternates rows because the offset is one thread. I like this version of Mosaic so much I have to remind myself not o use it everywhere.

Here I will be adding long silver stitches over the Offset Mosaic to match the painted canvas. This brings up another great aspect of this stitch: it works well for overstitching and embellishment.
Offset Scotch
Offset Scotch takes the one-thread offset of the previous stitch and uses it on a larger Box Stitch. Because the movement is one thread, it will use more rows to repeat. Here with the 3-thread Scotch, the repeat is three rows.

You can see how well it works as a background for a larger piece in this Cooper Oaks Provencal lady (stitch guide available on Etsy). In a soft grass green, it really sets off the figure’s bright primary colors.

About Janet M Perry
Janet Perry is the Internet's leading authority on needlepoint. She designs, teaches and writes, getting raves from her fans for her innovative techniques, extensive knowledge and generous teaching style. A leading writer of stitch guides, she blogs here and lives on an island in the northeast corner of the SF Bay with her family
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