IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Spring Needlepoint Show has been postponed because of virus-related travel concerns. However, watch for Monday’s post for infirmation about new products.
Consider this a PSA (public service announcement). Keep reading to the end for a special offer.
I’m sitting here with a lovely sun coming through my office window, living my quiet life and reading about this mess. You read so many conflicting stories that keeping up with the news can be a full-time job. And you still don’t know what to think.
Because Napa Needlepoint is run by computer out of my home, I remain open for business.
So here’s some general advice plus some tips on our stitching lives.
General Advice
Keep your hands clean. Apparently, soap kills this virus, so washing your hands frequwently is good. If soap is not available use a hand sanitizer with more than 60% alcohol.
If you have a chronic medical condition where you might be taking meds that interfere with your immune system, talk to your doctor. I’m delaying the next dose of my drug for just this reason. if you have an auto-immune diseasE, diabetes, or heart disease, you are at higher risk.
Get those disinfecting wipes and use them.
Cover coughs & sneezes with tissue & throw then away immediately.
Avoid crowds, this is a good time to stay home and settle in snugly.
Stitching Tips
Whether you have to stay home or not really depends on where you live, but if you do it’s a great time to stitch! Work on a UFO or start a new project. Shop your stash for threads and use them. Scrap bag projects can be a great choice here.
Use the internet to learn something new. Consider looking at YouTube videos to learn new stitches. Take an online class. Sign up for a class in your email (all my classes are PDFs so you can take them now).
My classes, along with others, are available immediately, right on your computer. You don’t have to wait & you don’t have to travel to learn.
Stores can be closed or lose foot traffic in times like this, if you can, shop online. I do almost all my needlepoint shopping this way in any case, but if you have not done it, now is a good time to try it.
Take advantage of streaming services to watch and listen while you stitch.
Turn the lemons of this difficult time into the lemonade of beautiful needlepoint! To encourage you to stay home and stitch I’m offering a 25% off sale on everything in my Etsy store. Just use the coupon code STAYHOME to save.
Stay safe & stay well.
About Janet M Perry
Janet Perry is the Internet's leading authority on needlepoint. She designs, teaches and writes, getting raves from her fans for her innovative techniques, extensive knowledge and generous teaching style. A leading writer of stitch guides, she blogs here and lives on an island in the northeast corner of the SF Bay with her family
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