For most of use the acronym SABLE (Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy) is very true, I know it is for me. I was putting away thread last week and I was astonished at how it has grown over the last year.
Starting today, I want us all to work on this. Let’s reserve Sundays for the next year to work on projects from our stash.
The rules are simple:
1. The project must be from stash bought by you more than a month ago (i.e. new projects don’t count).
2. The majority of threads must be from your stash. Preferably all threads from stash but that isn’t always possible.
3. UFOs and WIPs count as from stash.
To keep me honest each Sunday I’ll blog about the current project and show you a picture of where I am. PlusI will post pictures of the projects as I finish them.
My current project is the Hawaiian quilt I showed in the Irregular Continental post. I got it at the recent ANG Auction. It’s a vintage piece and one of a pair. They came with Medici Wool for stitching. I’m making good progress with this and hope to have it finished by the end of the month. Next up will be the other one (it’s pink). My plan is to finish them as bag decorations, one for each daughter.
Join the fun by posting pictures of your stash projects in the comments!
About Janet M Perry
Janet Perry is the Internet's leading authority on needlepoint. She designs, teaches and writes, getting raves from her fans for her innovative techniques, extensive knowledge and generous teaching style. A leading writer of stitch guides, she blogs here and lives on an island in the northeast corner of the SF Bay with her family
Janet: As usual you are on target with a great idea. I love it. As you are aware, my DH made me account for my stash about 19 months ago when he retired and began to peak around my stitching area. I have been trying to get to the stash items, and while successful (I just had six come back from the finisher), I have been more interested in the gorgeous new counted pieces and painted canvases that I’ve been picking up than the stash. This is great…..when my DH complains I’m stitching too much on Sundays, I’ll simply tell him I’m working on my SABLE project and that I need to accomplish certain goals each Sunday before. Maybe he can go back to cleaning out the garage and storage area and have his own SABLE project!
I can relate. My DH has a SABLE project. Maybe after Christmas I’ll get him working on them. Before that he has singing with Carols &Lessons to do tonight and next Sunday, the next year’s singing for Mass planned, and a wedding to sing for on the 16th, just the joys of being married to a choir director at Christmas.
But AFTER, maybe he can work on his trains again.
Now I just need to time to stitch more tonight . . . maybe during rehearsal tonight.
Keep stitching,
I figured out WIP means “work in progress: – but what is UFO? Unfinished object???!!?
Yep, UnFinished Object.
Keep stitching,