You probably know that you really should label your needlework. I’ve been stitching for close to 40 years and I’ve known that all along and have rarely done it.
I also don’t keep many records of what I’ve stitched. I resolve to do so and then it last about a week or two.
I don’t sign my work much because I tend to think signatures intrude. Ideally I’d like something which tells people I made it, doesn’t look like the labels my grandmother used to use, is archival and which won’t intrude on the needlework.
I just found out about Namemaker, a company which makes custom fabric labels in a number of styles. I like their many options and their clean look.
I think I’m going to make a bunch and sew them carefully to the back of my needlework as it gets finished. If it turns into a pillow, ornament, or stocking, it will get sewn on the back or bottom. If it’s a picture, I’ll glue it onto the back.
This way people will know that I made it long after they have forgotten or I’m gone.
About Janet M Perry
Janet Perry is the Internet's leading authority on needlepoint. She designs, teaches and writes, getting raves from her fans for her innovative techniques, extensive knowledge and generous teaching style. A leading writer of stitch guides, she blogs here and lives on an island in the northeast corner of the SF Bay with her family
Janet: This is such a good idea. I went over to their site and I’ve decided to order some of those labels for myself. Thank you.
In other news you are doing geat on your Stitching Resolutions. The one thing you allowed for that I did not was “Sitch 60 new projects” which I did not when I wrote my Resolutions. I’ll have to do that next year. I’ve gotten myself into a heap of a mess because it’s two stash projects, one new project, but the stash is being dealt with and my DH is happy (except he has not seen the bills for the threads, which is adding up to the debt of Greece right now). Happy Fourth of July!
What a great idea. I am going to check out their offerings of labels. I am a beginner, and never felt very comfortable with my efforts to sign my name. Maybe this will work AND for more than needlepoint. Thank you.