Updated July 3, 2020.
I’m not a one for spending huge amounts on my stitching. Partly it’s that I like small projects. But partly it’s that I’m inherently cheap, although given the number of canvases I have bought this year, you wouldn’t think so.
But I did splurge, and hugely, once. It started because my bedroom had high ceilings and nothing hanging on the wall. I’m of the opinion that you can’t have enough art. Actually everyone in my family has this problenm. In fact a week or so ago my DH complained, no joke, that we needed more walls.
I was at Needlepoint Inc. many years ago and saw a stunning canvas of pomegranates in a wide border by Mika Partridge (some of her canvases are distributed by Julia’s Needleworks these days). I was over $300 in the early 90’s. I got a picture of it and showed it to my husband.
I told him the price and said the threads would cost almost as much. We did not discuss the cost of framing.
I love what he said. He told me that we would pay that much for a painting and that this was art, not just needlepoint. So it was worth it.
I bought it, he picked it up and I stitched it. It’s the largest all Basketweave piece I have stitched and uses Appleton wools, Neon Rays, Kreinik, and Au Ver a Soie silk.
In our current house it sits in the living room and I can see it from my desk. And yes it is art and art is worth it. I’m sorry the picture is so blurry, but my living room is in disarry because of reorganizing projects and I could not get very close.
About Janet M Perry
Janet Perry is the Internet's leading authority on needlepoint. She designs, teaches and writes, getting raves from her fans for her innovative techniques, extensive knowledge and generous teaching style. A leading writer of stitch guides, she blogs here and lives on an island in the northeast corner of the SF Bay with her family
That is exactly how I feel about the Biodiversity in the Burbs canvas I recently purchased. Plus, it is a large canvas that will entertain me for possibly a year or more.
The one is even better than mine because with so many things in it, you can stitch one and feel as if something is done.
And, at least for me that keeps my motivation up.
Keep Stitching,
I completely agree with your husbond – it is ART – and even more so as it will have love stitched into it by you too. Nice to have an undstanding husbond. x
I agree to, its art and worth every penny
Any chance you would shade a picture of it hanging in your home? I’d love to see it.
Thank you.
I’ll try to get one and put it here & on the My Needlepoint board in my Pinterest.
Keep Stitching,
I would also love to see a photo of this.